# Custom Elements support
# What are Custom Elements?
Custom Elements are a part of the Web Components standard. They let you create reusable DOM Elements that can be easily shared between web applications. In a nutshell, it means being able to code your own custom DOM Elements, that can receive property values and emit events, using the native DOM API.
You can find more information about the subject on MDN.
# How to Declare a Custom Element?
# About Vue and Custom Elements
Vue Components definitions are already very close to the Custom Element specification. That shouldn't come as a surprise as Vue.js was largely inspired by the first draft of the Web Components specification.
For Vue.js, a small library exists to declare Vue.js components as Custom Elements. Vue GWT integrates a slightly modified version of this library so you can declare your own Custom Elements easily.
# The AnimalSelector Example
Let's say you have a Vue GWT component called AnimalSelectorComponent
It let's a user with a given name select an animal, and emits an event each time an animal is selected.
public class AnimalSelectorComponent implements IsVueComponent {
@Prop String userName;
public void selectAnimal(Event event) {
vue().$emit("animal-selected", ((HTMLInputElement) event.target).value);
<p>Hello {{ userName }}! Please select your animal:</p>
😸 <input type="radio" name="animal" value="😸" @click="selectAnimal"/>
🐰 <input type="radio" name="animal" value="🐰" @click="selectAnimal"/>
🐕 <input type="radio" name="animal" value="🐕" @click="selectAnimal"/>
🐺 <input type="radio" name="animal" value="🐺" @click="selectAnimal"/>
It just takes one line to register your Vue GWT Component as a Custom Element 🎉:
// Register our AnimalSelectorComponent under the name animal-selector
Vue.customElement("animal-selector", AnimalSelectorComponent.class);
Any <animal-selector></animal-selector>
in your document will then turn into an instance of that Vue Component.
This will work even if the Element is present in the DOM before your GWT app is loaded. You Custom Element will also work in Angular, React or Vanilla JS applications.
Due to the specification, the name of your Custom Element MUST contain at least one hyphen (-).
Here is a live example:
# Browser Support
When we said one line was enough, we meant for recent browsers supporting the V1 of the Web Components specification.
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
behind --flag | 54+ | 10.1+ | 42+ | 10.3+ | 55+ |
For older browser you can use the small document register element polyfill, which will give you IE9+ compatibility:
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
IE9+, Edge | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Just download the latest version and add it to your project, or add the following to your index.html:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/document-register-element/1.7.0/document-register-element.js"></script>
# Properties, Events and Slots
# Properties
You may have noticed that our AnimalSelectorComponent
has an @Prop
How do we pass the value to our Component?
Well, simply set it on the element (in camel case), and the Component will automatically get it:
<animal-selector user-name="Tom"></animal-selector>
Even better, if the property changes, it will be passed again, just like a regular Vue property binding.
You can open your browser Dev Tools and change the property user-name
to check that it works.
You can also set the value programmatically:
document.getElementById("animalSelector").setAttribute("user-name", "Bobby");
Attributes values are always Strings. The value will be automatically parsed for you for number types (int/float) and booleans.
# Events
You can also listen to events fired by your Custom Element using addEventListener
The events fired are of type CustomEvent
They have a read only detail
property which contains an array of the values of the event.
So to get the value of AnimalSelector animal-selected
event, we just do in JavaScript:
document.getElementById("animalSelector").addEventListener("animal-selected", event => console.log(event.detail[0]));
# Slots
Slots are also supported. The only limitation is that it won't work for dynamic content as the DOM element is replaced with your Vue Component element when created.
Let's see slots
in action.
For example with this DemoSlotsComponent.html
<slot name="header">No HEADER slot content passed (this is default value)</slot>
<p>This is text from inside of the element</p>
<slot>No DEFAULT slot content passed (this is default value)</slot>
<slot name="footer">No FOOTER slot content passed (this is default value)</slot>
The following element in your document:
<p vue-slot="header">Some Header Content</p>
<p>Default slot</p>
<p vue-slot="footer">Some Footer Content</p>
Will render:
Some Header Content
This is text from inside of the element
Default slot
Some Footer Content
# Manipulating our Custom Element
# Creating Instances Programmatically
The customElement
method returns a VueCustomElementType<T extends IsVueComponent>
This object can be used to create instances of your Custom Element easily.
VueCustomElementType<AnimalSelectorComponent> animalSelectorElementType =
Vue.customElement("animal-selector", AnimalSelectorComponent.class);
VueCustomElement<AnimalSelectorComponent> myElement = animalSelectorElementType.create();
// myElement is a regular DOM element
You can also just use the regular createElement
DOM method:
VueCustomElement<AnimalSelectorComponent> myElement = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document.createElement("animal-selector"));
# Accessing the Vue Component of a Custom Element
# From Java
From your Custom Element instance you can access the underlying Vue Component. This will work no matter how your Custom Element instance is created.
VueCustomElement<AnimalSelectorComponent> animalSelectorElement = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document.createElement("animal-selector"));
AnimalSelectorComponent animalSelectorComponent = myElement.getComponent();
// Access any public property, or call any public method on animalSelectorComponent.
VueCustomElement<TodoComponent> todoElement = Js.cast(DomGlobal.document.getElementById("myTodo"));
TodoComponent todoComponent = todoElement.getComponent();
// Access any public property, or call any public method on todoComponent.
# From JavaScript
You can also access to your Vue Component instance from JavaScript:
const myComponent = myCustomElement.__vue_custom_element__.$children[0];
Keep in mind that only the JsInterop properties and methods from your Component will be visible in JavaScript.
# Available Options
takes an optional third argument of type CustomElementOptions<T extends IsVueComponent>
Here are the available options:
: Called when your Custom Element is constructedconnectedCallback(element)
: Element is mounted to the DOMdisconnectedCallback(element)
: Element is disconnected from the DOMattributeChangedCallback(element, name, oldValue, value)
: An attribute as changeddestroyTimeout
: Time inms
between when the Element is removed from the DOM and the associated Vue Component is destroyed. Default to3000
: Use shadow DOM (only supported on browsers that have native Web Components support). Default tofalse
: CSS rules to apply in the shadow DOM.
Each callback get passed a reference to the Custom Element that fired the event.
CustomElementOptions<AnimalSelectorComponent> customElementOptions =
new CustomElementOptions<>()
.setConnectedCallback(animalSelectorElement -> DomGlobal.console.log(animalSelectorElement));
Vue.customElement("animal-selector", AnimalSelectorComponent.class, customElementOptions);